Worship With Us
Services at St Mary’s are open to everyone. All are encouraged to come explore our community.
We are a welcoming and affirming congregation.
Sunday Worship Services
Please join us for in-person Sunday Morning Worship:
The Holy Eucharist (Rite II) 9:00 am – Sanctuary
(Traditional with Hymns, Family Friendly)
Sunday School/Nursery Care 9:00 am for Children’s Chapel – Little Fitch Hall
(Children return to Sanctuary for Communion with their Families)
Online Service
Click HERE to Join Online Worship on the St Mary’s Facebook Page (No account necessary).
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Special Services and Liturgies
St Mary’s offers a wide variety of special liturgies throughout the year, from the dramatic liturgies of Palm Sunday and Holy Week to the joyful services at Easter and Christmas.
These include Advent Lessons and Carols, Lenten Stations of the Cross, the Annual Blessing of the Animals, Greening of the Church, Dia de Los Muertos, and the celebration of the Feast of the Virgin Mary (our patroness). Special decor, floral memorials, and thanksgivings are also part of our seasonal services.

Our Windows
Worship in St. Mary’s sanctuary is enhanced by several beautiful examples of stained glass given in memorials by parishioners over the years. The “Adams Window series” was a memorial to Kenneth L. Adams, late publisher of the Lompoc Record newspaper. They were dedicated in 1972 after our church moved to the “Walnut Grove” from its original location in downtown Lompoc. In addition to two poses of the Virgin Mary, it also features St. Joseph and St. Simeon.
Two extraordinary contemporary windows grace our nave . One features St. George slaying the dragon and is titled the St . Mary’s Armed Forces Window, dedicated “For All Who Serve” in memory of George E. Howard, Jr. The St. Cecelia window is dedicated to our lo ng – time organist, Gwinnie Howard. St Cecelia is the patron saint of Musicians . These two windows join the historic Christo Rex window, dedicated in memory of Fr Philip Schuyler, which was one of the windows from our original church built in 1895. It moved with our congregation to the Walnut Grove and then to our current location. Our beautiful rose window above the altar celebrates “The Gifts of God, for the People of God.”This is another piece that was originally located at our church building in the Walnut Grove. There, it had flames of fire around the outside but was altered to fit the current space.