Application Process
Job Description
Established in 1892 and located in the beautiful Central Coast area of Lompoc, California, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church seeks a full-time Rector to guide us, walk alongside us, empower our spiritual growth and ministries, and shepherd us in all the seasons of our lives.
We desire a Rector who will support and nurture St. Mary’s existing programs and ministries while helping us to restart those shut down by the pandemic and, most critically, programs to attract, educate, and inspire families with children.

The Rector we seek would promote a healthy balance between the traditions we value and the needs of a younger, more modern congregation with the health and energy to GROW this flock. We would like someone to join us in our outreach to the growing Hispanic demographic in our community.
We wish for a Rector whose preaching has the capacity to inspire and connect us to God’s word and how it relates to our challenges in the twenty-first century. We want someone who can be an educator, provide opportunities for spiritual development through the study of the scriptures, and help us develop a deeper relationship with God guided by the Holy Spirit.
We seek a Rector who is an excellent listener, has a healthy tolerance for differing opinions, and who cares for each member of the flock. We seek a strong yet collaborative leader who works with the Vestry and lay leaders and knows how to motivate people to accomplish tasks with transparency in decision-making.
We wish for a Shepherd who is willing to provide an inclusive, diverse, peaceful, loving, active, and fun place for members, new families, and visitors who want to come and join. We wish to create a dynamic, joyful place where all work together to share the love of God.
St. Mary’s has emerged from the pandemic as a church in transition – a tabula rasa for a creative, optimistic priest. If God leads you to our door as our next Rector, you will find a flock ready to love and support you as our Shepherd.
To submit your name, please email The Rev Canon Thomas Quijada-Discavage at your OTM Portfolio, and a current resume/CV, and a letter of interest briefly telling us what sparks your interest in St Mary’s.